Wednesday 2 August 2017


This is a trip I made with my friends at the start of 2017.

It was filled with lots of activities including boats rides, snorkeling and lots of sightseeing.

The hotel we stayed at was the Magdalena Grand Beach and Golf Resort in Tobago. It was really nice there, they had a huge pool with a bar in it and it was right next to the beach, the rooms were also very comfortable. 

The food here was also pretty amazing, with various dining halls that served different menus at the same time.

I would recommend a trip there to anyone. If you want more information click here 

Check out the Vid in HD !!!!!!!!


Tonight, Keshav, Elizabeth and I went to a Latin Dancing party and class at a Sports Bar. It was lots of fun but unfortunately it was too dark to get good video footage.

 The dance instructor is really funny and cool. The first half of the class, the instructor teaches you the moves and the other half you get to dance with anyone to practice the moves. 

It’s really enjoyable dancing with different people. I have met people from all over such as South Africa, Canada,Columbia and even Italy!

If you are feeling shy you can even take a drink at the bar to lighten up a bit!

If you want to learn more check on ‘Salsa Wednesday’s’ Page right here!

Don’t forget to check out the video in HD!!!💃💃💃

Jumping off a waterfall

Hiking is an amazing adventure! I have been to many hikes but one of my favourites is the ‘Rio Seco Waterfall’, which in my opinion is really stunning. The hike is really short around 30 minutes, but if you are a fast hiker you can make it in around 15-20 minutes.

Hiking is really enjoyable as you pass through a few rivers and get to appreciate nature. On reaching the end of the hike the view of the waterfall is really amazing. The water in the pool is beastly cold and you can even put drinks in it and it would get cold!

On the last trip I jumped off the waterfall which is about 20 feet or more. It felt like a lot more though!

 At first I had to mentally prepare myself as looking down, the drop was very intimidating and scary. When I was getting ready to jump my body felt tense and was telling me NOOOOO don’t do it, but I got a running start and then jumped off. It was EXHILERATING!

It felt like forever I took to touch the water but then the coldness immersed my entire body. It was easier jumping off the rest of times and was definitely a memorable experience.

 Check out my video. Watch in HD. I hope you like it!

Carnival 2K17

 This was a crazy time with assignments, school and work, but I was still able to find some time to visit San Fernando and Gasparillo to view the masqueraders.  
The streets were crowded and it was challenging to walk.

The ambiance was one of excitement and music filled every open space, there were people on the streets laughing and drinking everywhere. It seemed as if everyone was having a great time, I didn’t get a lot of footage but I hope you enjoy what I’ve put together.   

Rock climbing

Recently I went to the Central Athletic Club gym  to try out their rock climbing wall, i've tried climbing walls like these as a kid  but it didn' t work out so well. 
This time I was a little more prepared even though this was the tallest wall i ve tried. 

This wall has all various levels of difficulty, the easiest one is at around 90 Degrees and has lots of  grips that are easily reachable.
The others have inclines of about 75 degrees and have contours that are hard to get around.

Luckily i made it to the top........................on the easy level , even though i slipped on one of the girps and fell off.

I tried the other levels but my forearms were tired from using poor form.

Check out the vid above to see my attempts at the wall.

Monday 24 July 2017

Swimming in an underground pool

Swimming in an underground pool
Recently I went to Gaspar Grande, ‘Down the Island’, Trinidad to hike to the Gasparee caves. It was a fairly long hike with steep inclines and beautiful views.

The tour guide was really informative on the different trees on the trail and what each one was. On reaching the cave there were some steps to walk down to get into it. It was really interesting to learn more about the limestone and the tour guides showed us the stalactites (these mineral features hang from the ceilings) and stalagmites (which are the ones at the bottom).

The shadows from the stalactites and stalagmites looked like a woman and even Michael Jackson, as the tour guides pointed out. How cool is that?

Besides the limestone environment the most amazing view for me was the pool in the cave. The water was blue green and the sunlight peeking from the hole on top off the cave made the water glisten majestically.

 I had the pleasure to swim in the pool and the water was extremely cold and it was hard to breathe in the water. Check out my pictures, although this does this not do justice to the cave’s beauty. It is even more spectacular in real!


Thursday 20 July 2017

The loss of a Legend

 Today is a sad day, as we lost an amazing musician, Chester Bennington the lead singer of Linkin Park.
His music was very popular with us millennials from the early 2000's till now,
it has changed, evolved, effected and changed our taste in music.
 I was a big fan of the band and Chester since I was 7 years old, and it was the introduction to my experience of alternative music. His death has broken my heart and those of many fans. Please enjoy the  song below it was one of the first i heard </3

OFFSHORE insight part 4

Working offshore Cons Part 1

This is a continuation of  the offshore cons in 'Offshore insight part 3' and these are listed below:

  • Breakfast is early, at 5: 30 a.m. and working offshore can be tiring so you have to wake up earlier to get ready.

  •  Juggling work and school can be demanding. I have missed many classes due to my unpredictable schedule and it is also challenging trying to do assignments being tired and having unreliable Wi-Fi
  • The sea can be very rough and when there is bad whether the platform can rock violently
  • There are endless stairs EVERYWHERE!!!. From your room to the kitchen can be almost 100 stairs
  • There are usually a few phones on the platform but there are a lot of people to share it with, so you end up waiting your turn and then try to talk quickly so someone else can have the phone
  •     Although the chefs are great ,the food there can be horrible sometimes. The cow heel soup is particularly not palatable
  •     The alarms that go off are very annoying with the flashing lights and loud sounds. they can go off any time even 2 am the morning. It does not matter what you are doing you have to immediately meet at the muster point and line up. I was bathing once and had to rush out to muster point, my clothes were soaking  xD

Tuesday 18 July 2017

OFFSHORE insight part 3

Working offshore Cons Part 1

As with any job, there are upsides and also downsides. Some cons from my experience are listed below.
· You are away from your family, friends and pets for prolonged periods of time. You can feel homesick being away from your normal environment.

· I have missed lots of events. Offshore workers miss birthdays, weddings, New Year’s, Christmas and other festivals

· Sometimes you end up on old platforms to work on

· Working offshore has its risks. It is like a ticking time bomb. You risk your life every time you are working, as there are many things that can go wrong. I highly recommend watching the movie Deep-water Horizon to get a further insight on the dangers of working offshore

· If you are a tall person like me, I am 6’2’’, the bed may be uncomfortable as your legs are longer than it ( at least on the older platforms)

· It can be difficult to sleep sometimes as there can be noise form night shift workers doing their jobs. 

· Depending on the platform you are on, the bathroom and toilets are scary. Also you have to share the toilet and bathroom with people in your room so you may have to wait a bit.

· We live in the information age today, and nothing sucks more than having bad Wi-Fi on a platform. When you have to check and send important emails this is inconvenient and also communicating with your family is troublesome sometimes.

There are a few other things id like to mention but ill do that in part two.

please comment and leave your thoughts and questions

Life of a Teacher

Pros of being a teacher

I was lucky enough to be a primary school teacher, the photo above shows some of my students and I at their graduation. This was a very rewarding experience and up till this day I still keep in contact with my students. Some positive things about being a school teacher are:

· A sense of pride when teaching a class because you are imparting knowledge to a next generation

· You get to enjoy teaching stuff you are expert in. For me teaching maths was fun as I appreciate this
 subject a lot.

· Marking examinations is also easy if you are a SME (Subject matter expert = me)

· Interacting with different students leads to varied perspectives on things and new points of views

· You get to be a positive role model and impact on your student’s lives

· At graduation time you feel proud of your students and it really makes teaching very rewarding

· There are lots of activities you are involved in such as sports, concerts, swimming and typical field trips to the zoo etc. which are a lot more exciting than they sound 

· Having summer and Christmas holidays is also great as you have more free time for yourself and interests. J J J J

· Meeting and working with other teachers is also a cool experience especially when they watch your class if you are on a sick day. 

Comment if you think teachers are great !!!

OFFSHORE insight part 2

Working offshore Pros Part #2

This is a continuation of ‘Working offshore Pros’, I hope you enjoy it.

· There are recreational rooms where you can play pool and table tennis on some facilities

· There is a game room with Xbox and play stations in the TV room. One TV room even has leather chairs in the TV room that automatically recline and massage you.

· The accommodation for sleeping is also good, although the space may be small. There is really cold air conditioning, nice beds like that in a fancy hotel and people come in and clean the rooms ensuring it always tidy

· You also get your clothes washed so you don’t have to do it yourself.

· Some really spectacular things I have witnessed on the platforms are actually various sea animals. How cool is that?! I saw some dolphins, hammer head sharks, turtles and of course fishes to name a few.

· The fresh sea breeze when you go above the platform is nice and relaxing to an exhausting day work. One really breath taking view is at sunset, while looking across the horizon you can see the sun setting while the moon is rising. In the morning the opposite happens, you can clearly see the sun rising and the moon fade away

· The pay is also pretty good for some workers ;)

Let me know if you have any questions about offshore that i can clear up 

OFFSHORE insight part 1

Working offshore Pros Part #1

As a millennial, working offshore has many pros and cons which I can describe to you. My time on the seas was pretty interesting and I came up with a list of some really great perks from my varied experience over time. There are a lot so i broke it up into two parts. I hope you enjoy!


· First of all you get to ride a helicopter as your transport to the platforms. How cool is that? The sea view from up above is amazing and you get to see the contrast of the sun against the waters glistening across the wide expanse of sea. The bird’s eye view of Trinidad is truly spectacular and it seems like monopoly houses at times. Looking down from above can give a new perspective on things. Literally.

· It’s really fun to meet people from all around the world. I have met people from Poland, Jamaica, Guyana, America and Columbia etc. So in working offshore I have made friends from all over the world without even going to their country. Some people I have met are really friendly and hold interesting conversations as we come from diverse backgrounds.

· If you love food and snacks (who doesn’t) there are fully stocked snack cabinets every single day. There are lots of snacks such as twix, M&M’s and skittles to satisfy your sweet tooth. There is also lots of ice cream where the top refrigerator compartment is filled with ice cream pallets.

· If you like drinks there are refrigerators fully stocked with different drinks. Soft drinks and juices, anything you want to drink that you typically find in the groceries.
(Once it’s not alcohol!)

· The food over there is pretty delicious and catered by ‘world class chefs’ three times  a day. The steak there is particularly scrumptious. If you are planning on working offshore someday, don’t worry the food there can fit any diet.

· There are lots of fresh fruits you can have for breakfast to start off the day with the extra nutritional boost.

· So now, don’t worry of course there must be a gym to burn off all those extra calories after part taking in all the free snacks. The gym facilities in most platforms are small however it really helps to keep you in shape being away from land for long periods. The gym also plays cool work out videos sometimes.

This is a random picture of the lunch room, look out for the next post 

Thursday 22 June 2017

Horse power

Check out the video above (Watch in HD for the best quality ).
Last week my friends randomly called and said we were going horse riding, of course I agreed to go. Unfortunately there was a lot of rain and we didn't get to actually take riding lessons because of this. It was still lots of fun meeting all the horses,
 Ashes and cyclops were the nicest and are in the vid.
The even rain eased up a bit  later on and we were lucky enough to  get a ride .
If any one wants to check it out  their name is :'BONANZA FARM & RIDING SCHOOL' in Tumpuna Road, Guanapo, no: 868-643-8954
The map below should be helpful:

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