Wednesday 2 August 2017

Jumping off a waterfall

Hiking is an amazing adventure! I have been to many hikes but one of my favourites is the ‘Rio Seco Waterfall’, which in my opinion is really stunning. The hike is really short around 30 minutes, but if you are a fast hiker you can make it in around 15-20 minutes.

Hiking is really enjoyable as you pass through a few rivers and get to appreciate nature. On reaching the end of the hike the view of the waterfall is really amazing. The water in the pool is beastly cold and you can even put drinks in it and it would get cold!

On the last trip I jumped off the waterfall which is about 20 feet or more. It felt like a lot more though!

 At first I had to mentally prepare myself as looking down, the drop was very intimidating and scary. When I was getting ready to jump my body felt tense and was telling me NOOOOO don’t do it, but I got a running start and then jumped off. It was EXHILERATING!

It felt like forever I took to touch the water but then the coldness immersed my entire body. It was easier jumping off the rest of times and was definitely a memorable experience.

 Check out my video. Watch in HD. I hope you like it!


  1. Looks really beautiful! Jumping off seems intimidating though!

    1. it is but it feels really good overcoming that fear

  2. Bro I'm not sure I'd be able to make that jump haha. It sounds amazing though. I've never been there. Maybe I will one day

    1. you should, and im sure you would make it too

  3. Scenery looks so beautiful. Must of been scary though.

  4. Its really fun jumping off! Did it as well. Definately an experience to remember:)

  5. Dam that looks kinda scary to jump off

  6. Too scary for me lol but glad you had fun

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