Thursday 20 July 2017

OFFSHORE insight part 4

Working offshore Cons Part 1

This is a continuation of  the offshore cons in 'Offshore insight part 3' and these are listed below:

  • Breakfast is early, at 5: 30 a.m. and working offshore can be tiring so you have to wake up earlier to get ready.

  •  Juggling work and school can be demanding. I have missed many classes due to my unpredictable schedule and it is also challenging trying to do assignments being tired and having unreliable Wi-Fi
  • The sea can be very rough and when there is bad whether the platform can rock violently
  • There are endless stairs EVERYWHERE!!!. From your room to the kitchen can be almost 100 stairs
  • There are usually a few phones on the platform but there are a lot of people to share it with, so you end up waiting your turn and then try to talk quickly so someone else can have the phone
  •     Although the chefs are great ,the food there can be horrible sometimes. The cow heel soup is particularly not palatable
  •     The alarms that go off are very annoying with the flashing lights and loud sounds. they can go off any time even 2 am the morning. It does not matter what you are doing you have to immediately meet at the muster point and line up. I was bathing once and had to rush out to muster point, my clothes were soaking  xD


  1. I have always wondered what offshore life is like. Very interesting insight

  2. Sounds like a horrible occupation but i'm sure the money makes up for it


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