Wednesday 2 August 2017


Tonight, Keshav, Elizabeth and I went to a Latin Dancing party and class at a Sports Bar. It was lots of fun but unfortunately it was too dark to get good video footage.

 The dance instructor is really funny and cool. The first half of the class, the instructor teaches you the moves and the other half you get to dance with anyone to practice the moves. 

It’s really enjoyable dancing with different people. I have met people from all over such as South Africa, Canada,Columbia and even Italy!

If you are feeling shy you can even take a drink at the bar to lighten up a bit!

If you want to learn more check on ‘Salsa Wednesday’s’ Page right here!

Don’t forget to check out the video in HD!!!πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ


  1. It was a really fun night. Can't wait to go back

  2. This seems really fun! I will try it when I come to Trinidad next😊

  3. I haven't been in so long :/ It's always super fun though.

  4. This is cool! Would love to try it sometime

  5. This is sick mate

  6. Nice video!! I should totally try this sometime

  7. You need to remind me where this Latin night place is. I'd like to visit :-)

  8. So cool! Carry me next time :D


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