Monday 24 July 2017

Swimming in an underground pool

Swimming in an underground pool
Recently I went to Gaspar Grande, ‘Down the Island’, Trinidad to hike to the Gasparee caves. It was a fairly long hike with steep inclines and beautiful views.

The tour guide was really informative on the different trees on the trail and what each one was. On reaching the cave there were some steps to walk down to get into it. It was really interesting to learn more about the limestone and the tour guides showed us the stalactites (these mineral features hang from the ceilings) and stalagmites (which are the ones at the bottom).

The shadows from the stalactites and stalagmites looked like a woman and even Michael Jackson, as the tour guides pointed out. How cool is that?

Besides the limestone environment the most amazing view for me was the pool in the cave. The water was blue green and the sunlight peeking from the hole on top off the cave made the water glisten majestically.

 I had the pleasure to swim in the pool and the water was extremely cold and it was hard to breathe in the water. Check out my pictures, although this does this not do justice to the cave’s beauty. It is even more spectacular in real!



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