Tuesday 18 July 2017

OFFSHORE insight part 2

Working offshore Pros Part #2

This is a continuation of ‘Working offshore Pros’, I hope you enjoy it.

· There are recreational rooms where you can play pool and table tennis on some facilities

· There is a game room with Xbox and play stations in the TV room. One TV room even has leather chairs in the TV room that automatically recline and massage you.

· The accommodation for sleeping is also good, although the space may be small. There is really cold air conditioning, nice beds like that in a fancy hotel and people come in and clean the rooms ensuring it always tidy

· You also get your clothes washed so you don’t have to do it yourself.

· Some really spectacular things I have witnessed on the platforms are actually various sea animals. How cool is that?! I saw some dolphins, hammer head sharks, turtles and of course fishes to name a few.

· The fresh sea breeze when you go above the platform is nice and relaxing to an exhausting day work. One really breath taking view is at sunset, while looking across the horizon you can see the sun setting while the moon is rising. In the morning the opposite happens, you can clearly see the sun rising and the moon fade away

· The pay is also pretty good for some workers ;)

Let me know if you have any questions about offshore that i can clear up 


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