Sunday 18 June 2017

Happy Father's Day

Happy father's day to all the fathers reading and to my dad, who is the most awesome dad. He has taught me a lot and continues to inspire me daily.One of our favorite things to do together is play football, he's still pretty good  and thinks he can beat me at it lol. What are your favorite things to do with your dad? Comment below !!!!!!!!


  1. This is a really nice picture. My dad and I like to eat chocolates together and watch movies!

  2. l love spending time with my dad and some of my favorite things are listening to his stories on life, making jokes, he has quite the sense of humour. And he even watches chick flicks with me , he is a pretty cool dad.

  3. Awesome pic, some of my favorite things to do with my dad is going camping with him.

  4. Having a drink with my Dad is a favourite thing of mine!

  5. My dad would always carry us to the beach, and he would do a handstand in the sand, as old as he is, he still can do it :)

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